500 Photos

Monday, January 11, 2010

Someone Wanted Allison Dead....

Ok, not really, I was just stumped for a title so I used the very next line on the episode of "Castle" I am watching, and lucky me, someone wanted Allison dead. Uploaded three more photos yesterday morning, and lucky me someone wanted them. All three approved, making the grand total so far 214.

A little boo boo this morning. Accidentally hit "enter" after entering the title, so now on my Twitter and Facebook pages, it will say "Someone Wanted Allison Dead" with a link to an empty blog (at least until I get this fully typed out).

This is another of my favorite shots. And it may be just me, but I think I do my best work when I travel. I have a whole series of lighthouses from Maine and Massachusetts. I have a few great shots from my trip to Bentonville, Arkansas. And this one was from a trip to Jacksonville, Florida. This entire trip was planned around getting a photo of this bridge. We did visit museums and such during the day, and Angela did meet with an old boyfriend, who was just happened coincidentally to be in town at the time.

I had my tripod, and I studied up on panoramic photos. This is also one of the first times I used all manual settings. I only had one chance to get the photos I needed, because I would be home before I could work on them, so if they didn't work, then no panorama. We scooped it early in the day and got some day photos, too. We got to the planned site at night, and got the shots. Had one little issue... actually two little issues. The first was this boat moving across the photo, which I had to clean up because the stitch program couldn't seem to read it right. The second was this giant "Go Jaguars" signs on the skyscrapers, which I had to clean up because I couldn't sell it as royalty free. I actually made two copies, one with the Jaguars sign, and one without, so I could sell as royalty free and as editorial.

BTW the action I use on the cross-processing can be found here. I did make some additional actions with different strengths, but this is the basic tutorial. Also, if you don't know how to make an action, let me know, I'll put that up too, saves me a ton of time.

Time for work again... until next time....

(edited: Luis asked about lighting on the previous post photos... second photo natural light, first photo Canon Speedlight with a diffuser cap on)

1 comment:

Luis Santos said...

Ah ok! I don't have yet a speedlight! cheers!