500 Photos

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Oh... is the Superbowl Today?

I don't watch TV, so I don't really pay attention to things like the Super Bowl. I'll watch the commercials on youtube or myspace tomorrow. I am routing for the Saints though. I visited New Orleans years ago and has been one of my favorite locations. Too bad it was before I started doing photography because I would have a ton of awesome photos from there. Loved the haunted tours. It was also the only time I have ever been in a casino.

As of this moment, Indy 17, NO 16, NO has the ball.

Anyway, just watched a great film with my favorite actor, Nathan Fillion. It was called "Waitress". A cute little rom-com with some pretty good laughs. We watched the making of and other documentaries on it after watching the film and found that the writer/director/supporting actress Adrienne Shelley was murdered just after filming was complete. A robbery gone wrong. It's too bad because this was a great story and I would have loved to have seen more of her films. There is one at the top of my Netflix list called "Serious Moonlight" with Meg Ryan that she wrote.

Indy has the ball now.

Here is a blog called Stuck in Customs from HDR photographer, Trey Ratcliff. For those who don't know, HDR stands for High Dynamic Range.
It is an awesome techinique, one I would love to master, but have never been really able to get right for some reason. Here is a little article about it.

My latest try was on my Jacksonville trip of the skyline, but at the moment I can't remember why it didn't come out right. Maybe I'll go back and play with it some more.

So anyway, Fred wasn't calling me out for bashing Obama, he was trying to keep me focused on photography. So, my apologies to Fred. And to make it up to you, I researched your name on UrbanDictionary.com and here is the defintion of Fred: A person who does stupid, annoying, or idiotic things. (don't believe me? look it up for yourself. "William" is a dead ringer for me.)

So anyway. Going to hit the shower and go to bed. I know it's early, but I am tired.

NO 22, Indy 17

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well the Urban Dictionary seems pretty accurate and on occasion I am forced to live up to my name.

As to HDR I have done a few - best used for scenic/landscape stuff - and I find they do well on stock sites (my number one seller is an HDR).


I use Photomatix and it makes it pretty easy. Give it a try.

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