I will also take a moment to promote Sparatica. They have one song recorded so far, they hit the mic next month for the vocals to finish off their first album. I am hoping I can get a few pics of them when they go on tour.
And I will promote the movie Exit 101. I will be shooting some more pics tomorrow night, so keep checking back for new stuff.
And the last of my promotional links here will be for Redeeming Love which is currently being made into a movie. I have been watching the process, and they are just about to start casting. I think Hugh Jackman and Keira Knightley should star, but that's just my opinion. Angela agrees with me. Possibly Rachel McAdams though. But anyway, read the book. I really liked it. I read it a couple times and even highlighted my favorite parts.
Ok, I am going out to the car now to get my photo equipment so I can shoot a couple pictures. So until tomorrow or so, read a book.
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