500 Photos

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Myself and my youngest daughter ended up with chills, slight fever and bad, bad diarrhea. My oldest daughter had a fever that went as high as 102.8. Angela had tummy troubles, but refused to acknowledge them as she was trying to take care of the rest of us.

As far as photos go, I have prepared to take some more dice photos. Had a couple ideas and I thought I would try them out. I am hoping this will help inspire me to take other photos, because I have crossed the threshold of needing an average of one photo a day to complete my goal. So now, I need to try to focus.

The Hilton Head photo shoot is not cancelled, but has been scaled back, due to lack of photographers wanting to take part. I have plenty that seemed interested, and a couple who signed up, but in the end, they backed out, so now I have 6 models and only myself to shoot them. So I will let them know what the deal is, and let them know that I will still shoot them if they like. I will probably do it one on one and vary the locations.

Got a payout from Dreamstime last night. Which is awesome, because that will help pay for this adventure. I am two sales from a payout on Shutterstock, and if I don't get them by the end of tomorrow, then I have to wait a month to get it, and I need the money for the trip. iStock is off the chain this month. I'll have to go back and check, but I believe this is one of the best months I have ever had with them.

Like the new layout? I am hoping that eventually I can put one of my own photos back there.

So anyway, check out my SmugMug pics. Watch Castle. They just got picked up for a full third season. Awesome news. If you haven't watched it yet, get season 1 and enjoy. 

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