And the winner is.......
Ok, I don't know who the winner is at this moment, but in about 24 hours I will know. I just finished watching The Hurt Locker, and I must say, I was slightly disappointed. Yes, it was edited great to increase the tension. Yes, the handheld camera gave some realism and made it feel documentary style. But there was a couple moments I felt like getting up and checking my email. So, despite the rave reviews the critics gave it, I will only give it a 4 out of 5 stars. Avatar will get my vote for Best Picture, along with James Cameron, and I will change my editing from Avatar to Hurt Locker. I won't mention any other changes I have made, or my other votes, because I don't want to influence all the other players. Good luck to everyone playing, and if you haven't signed up to play, as of this moment you only have 21 hours left. The picks lock down at 8pm eastern tomorrow. Hit the Oscar pick link to the right to play.
Ok, on to the bloggy part of this blog. I actually did write a blog yesterday, but I noticed I was just rambling and wasn't really making any sense so I just deleted it.
On the movie front, we will be shooting a favorite scene of mine in the movie Exit 101 next weekend. I won't give away any details, but I am hoping to get some great photos out of it.
MythBusters. It's great. Watch it. I am working my way through their collections DVDs and I love watching the chemistry between Jamie and Adam. Jamie will snap someday, just hope he ain't near me when he does it.
Some sales stats. Just passed 4,500 total sales. Just about to hit 1,000 on iStock. iStock is off the chain for me at the moment. I've had more sales the last few days then the entire month of January. And it's old photos too, not even the new stuff.
Got another female model for the April 10 shoot at Hilton Head. So, I have all the females I need, but I don't have a single male model. My two "regulars" won't be there. One got transferred with his job to West Virginia, the other is busy. Maybe I can find some on Model Mayhem.
Well, this is definitely not as rambly as the last post. And yes, I do plan on uploading some photos, which I really need to get on pace, because I am coming down to only 300 days to go.
And I can't remember if I've had an Iranian reader before, but if I haven't then سلام otherwise خوش آمدید.
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