But I worked on my little project last night to test out the idea of it, and it musta worked because I had an approval.
I wanted to shoot it over my brother's pool table, but the rain is making it dreary here, and I didn't feel like dragging my equipment out to the shed where the table currently is located. But Angela actually found a square of green felt that I may try over today and see what it looks like.
Nobody guessed Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, so I get the first "blog" point. Puts me at one, you zero. Reynolds is the Capt. of the transport ship Firefly, a very short lived television series, but one I truly miss. It was a western set in space. Six-shooters, chaps, horses, etc. on spaceships, flying from planet to planet.
I am off work today, and tomorrow, so I will hopefully get plenty of photos. Need to raise my average, because the closer it gets to Christmas, the more hours I will be working, the less likely I will have time to do anything.
Can't think of anything else to say. I have two kids trying to tear up the Christmas try and the presents underneath, so I can't concentrate.
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