500 Photos

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas

I would like to take a moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

Ok, moment over. Between the long hours of work and family over the next few days, I probably won't be posting until Monday. Stop crying, you'll live. You had a life before me, you can live without me for a few days.

I am unhappy to announce that since my dice series, I have not shot anything stockworthy. Roughly 373 days to go and I have stalled at 204. I did know that would happen around the holidays, and will happen again next year. Around the first of the year I will hopefully start having time to shoot again. Now in the few moments I do have I need to generate ideas, and since you guys are so much help *rolling eyes*, that should be easy. I am hoping to go to a couple photographer "get togethers" next year. Inhausalypse around October, haven't decided one for the spring. I usually get a good handful of shots there, and usually a group of great models. I might even host one for Providence State Park (Little Grand Canyon)

What I want for Christmas (too late since I've already celebrated due to children leaving town). Memory cards, tripod, prime lenses, blue dress shirts with ties to match, deep fryer, "slider" grill, laptop, car...

What I really want is everyone to be safe and happy. It's a wonderful time of year for what we are celebrating, but due to commercialism it is also a dangerous time of year, people fighting for products, frantic driving, crowded roads, people stealing to have gifts to give. Be safe.

Merry Christmas,

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