So needless to say, with working overnight, and the horrible sleep I do manage to get in the day, I am quite tired. So my blogging this week may be scattered.
New Recipe Tuesday, or as Jon calls it "Happy Fat Tuesday". Today was Angela's turn, and after a week of being disgruntled at it being her week, she settled on a theme and found "Angela's Awesome Enchiladas". After that, she was excited and talked nonstop the last few days about her dinner night. She started the dinner with a spicy bean salad and I made a dessert of empanadas. For her enchiladas, she slowcooked the chicken with the spices and onion overnight, which allowed the chicken to soak up the spices, and also made it incredibly easy to shred. Probably the top meal of our "New Recipe" series.
Here is a photo of a scientist from our movie "Exit 101". I Draganized him and I will give my opinion, this is the best Draganization that I have done. A few things I did differently, I made the brush smaller when I was burning and took my time at 100% view going around his face "filling" in the wrinkles. Also, when I was erasing to lighten I used a softer brush and only hit the areas the sun actually was hitting.
On to my next subject (my blog should be called 500 Subjects instead of 500 Photos). Jon had borrowed my Star Wars and the new Star Trek dvds. He watched the Star Wars but decided not to watch the Star Trek, because he was never a fan of the series, so he skipped it. I told him he needed to watch the first 12 minutes and then decide. I popped it in after dinner and he decided he wanted to borrow it again. See... I know my movies. Here is a great little short film by Spy Films.
Don't forget to fill out your Oscar picks (link to your right). Only a few days left.
Anyways, I want to go get a little nap before going to work.
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