The truth is: I am not funny. I am very good looking. Ok, one of those is a lie.
I am actually kinda funny. But it takes a lot of work to be funny. Not funny he hee, but funny ha haa.
For instance, when you read one of my posts, which I am going to assume you have read every one of my posts and not just the ones with pictures of shirtless men and women with great legs, you read it in about a minute or less, and your mind assumes or processes that I wrote it that quickly. But that is far from the truth, as any good blogger can tell you. So tonight, I will show you my time line of my blog.
It is currently 8:29 and I have nothing else to write, so now I must think of something.....
It is now 8:48 and I still have no subject... maybe.... no.... hmmmm
Ok, now it's 9:12. I have helped fold laundry and put it away. Put away leftover dinner. Got girls to bed. Maybe there'll be something funny on Facebook that will inspire me.
9:17, a birthday for someone on facebook, buncha stuff about Texas/Alabama. Hmmm... Cat is licking herself behind me. Which reminds me.... the term "porn" did not increase my hits, maybe because my blog hasn't been tagged on any of the search engines yet, so keywords are useless. So no sense in bringing up topics about sex and such.
9:22, what about talking about another photographer.....
9:30, abandoned that idea. Maybe I'll go snuggle and pillow talk and see if that brings up any ideas....
10:08, played Scrabble on cellphone against Angela. Both too tired to finish so she went to sleep and I thought I might come up with something to write. No luck. So I guess I will end it here. Maybe if I have a great dream I can blog about that... or hey... what if I took some photos and uploaded them... that would make a great post....
10:11, general proofread and edit of my post. See y'all in the morning.
No offense but you are starting to lose me. I expected to see a lot more about your experience with stock photography. For example you might show the images you had rejected with the reasons and what you plan to do to fix for resubmittal or why you will just discard the image. Readers could then suggest how you could fix it or comment on the image in other ways that could be instructive to us all. Just a suggestion.
c h e e r s
Now I'm confused! funny or handsome?? lol funny for sure!
come on lazy guy and upload :)
now I am creating a store at Zazzle, I guess it won't took long, I have done some products there for sale, but after doing 100 good ones, tried the function quick create and now I am on the 300 products lol.. I will leave it for now and see how it goes, join at:*
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