500 Photos

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

What a year 2010 has been so far. Zero sales, zero uploads. Woke up to my future- sis-in-law's dog vomiting under the Christmas tree. I can also swear I saw our cat smiling... But I did get to sleep in this morning without kids to wake me up. Only happens once in a blue moon (yes I know that it was a blue moon last night... did you?)

Recap of my 2009:

Fired for the first time (I had already put in my 2 week notice).
Daughter Larissa is born.
Got my first speeding ticket.
Grew my thickest beard.
Got a promotion.
Fell more in love with Angela.
Helped promote film "Exit 101"
Painted bathroom.
Deep fried for first time (Best. Fries. Ever.)
Had Pumpkin Chili for first time (Best. Food. Ever.)
Eliana entered the Terrible Two's, and is trying to put a whole new twist on the term.
Found out the movie I was in was indeed not a porn.

Ok, my goals for 2010:
Not be arrested.
Get married.
Get promoted.
Get 500 photos total on Shutterstock.
Attend two photographer get togethers.
Entertain you.
Hold my new niece, Grenelda Earls.
Win fantasy football championship.
Watch Cincinnati Bengals take Super Bowl.
Be happy.

Can't think of anything else, so I'll move on. Had an idea to shoot last night, couldn't get lighting right, plus the background I need is down at the church. Tried to improvise but didn't work. I'll try again tonight.

If you can't get enough of me, you can follow me on Facebook and Twitter.

Shutterstock tied for best month of '09. Current streak of days sold sits at 5. It was my 3rd worst month at iStock. January has a history of being my worst sales month, so don't expect much hoorays from me except for uploads. (while I was typing this out sold my first photo of 2010:)

Well, I am going to go make some breakfast before I go to work. Got the late shift today.

Once again, Happy New Year.


Luis Santos said...

Hi there! Great post like always :) I am 100% sure that you will "Entertain you."...! I love your posts, thank you so much for the laugh!

have a great 2010!

Anonymous said...

What movie were you in that was not porn lol